| Trina Solar

尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

AP/Trina Solar Passes 8GW Solar Module Shipment Milestone for India


Trina Solar has shipped more than 8GW of solar modules to India since 2010, supplying to PV projects in all three segments of residential, commercial and industrial and utility.</p>

“Solar modules for commercial and industrial (C&amp;I) businesses accounted for 60% of Trina Solar’s shipments to India last year and in 2022’s first quarter, while about 40% of shipments were for utility-scale projects,” says Gaurav Mathur, India director for Trina Solar.</p>

AP/Navoi Power Station Has Been Operating Safely and Stably for 365 Days; Various Indicators Have Exceeded Expectations


In August 2021, Mirziyoyev, President of Uzbekistan, announced the official commencement of operation of the country's first PV power station, the Nur Navoi Solar Power Project. The 100MW power station uses ultra-high-power bifacial modules and TrinaTracker’s Vanguard 2P tracker system. It is located in the Kizil-Tepe District of Navoi State. It is Uzbekistan's first surface power station and the first Independent Power Plant (IPP) to obtain financing.</p>

AP/Trina Solar’s Ultra-High Power Module for the Ultimate 600W+ Era

As a <a href="/en-apac/http://www.xisuigong666.com/en-apac/our-company"><u>global leading provider of photovoltaic (PV) modules</u></a>&nbsp;and smart energy solutions, <a href="/en-apac/http://www.xisuigong666.com/en-apac"><u>Trina Solar</u></a>&nbsp;delivers PV products, applications, and services to promote global sustainable development.</p>


AP/Product Feature: TrinaTracker Vanguard 2P

TrinaTracker specializes in the design, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of fixed tilts and <a href="/en-apac/http://www.xisuigong666.com/en-apac/product/TrinaTracker"><u>solar trackers</u></a>. With more than 5 GW developed worldwide, the company has offices on five continents and has more than 300 projects carried out.</p>


AP/210 PERC Cell Efficiency Achieves 24.5%, Trina Solar Breaks World Record for The 24th Time


On July 5, Trina Solar’s State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology (SKL PVST) announced that its proprietary industrial larger-area 210mm×210mm high-efficiency PERC solar cell, has achieved the efficiency of 24.5%, independently confirmed by&nbsp;National Institute of Metrology, China. It sets a new record for 210 P-type monocrystalline silicon PERC cells. This is the 24th&nbsp;time Trina Solar creates a new world record, manifesting the company’s long-standing technology leadership.</p>
